Manoir, Martigny

“Moving Still”, Solo show with photographs, light boxes, wallpaper, film projection and a video installation 06.09.2019 – 01.12.2019

St. Peter’s Abbey, Ghent

“Blikkiesdorp” photographs + the film “Sounds of Blikkiesdorp” showcased in Ghent, June 30th – September 17th, 2017

[7P] Fotofestival Mannheim

The film “Sounds of Blikkiesdorp” is part of 7P Fotofestival,
Zephyr – Raum für Fotografie,
18.09 – 15.11.2015

DB Kunsthalle, Berlin

The new installation “Blikkiesdorp” is part of “Xenopolis”,
16.09 – 08.11.2015