Aletsch Negative
a film by Laurence Bonvin
Streaming available on WeShort online platform
Aletsch is the largest glacier of the Alps. At the Konkordia Platz, were the three glaciers that constitute it meet, the ice is about 900 meters deep. According to glaciologists by the end of this century most glaciers of the Alps will have disappeared and only fragments of Aletsch will remain. Aletsch Negative offers a fascinating sensory and visual experience as well as a double reflection on the nature of the moving image, it’s relation to still image and to time. The frozen instant is multiplied to create the illusion of movement, a kind of analogy of the transformation of ice into streaming waters. From micro to macro, image by image and sequence by sequence, with a soundtrack exclusively made of field recordings, the film reveals the intensity and acceleration of the melting process. An elegy.